...sign of our times...
Upon being handed a journal as a gift, a nine year-old asks his mom what it was. The mom says that it was a notebook to record his thoughts and feelings, every day. The kid replies, "You mean, it is a blog...on paper." Reader's Digest, Oct 2008 issueHow to remove MDM lock on a MacBook Pro (Monterey)
Get past the “Device Management” Lock Screen on a MacBook Pro OS during setup (Monterey)
Windows Driver for the crazy Ralink/Mediatek 7610U Wireless USB 802.11n Adapter
Hard to get – Windows Driver for the crazy Ralink/Mediatek 7610U Wireless USB 802.11n Adapter
Google Drive 15GB Confusion
Google Drive now has 15GB.
Live Support (only when directed by me)
Live Remote Support
Get Windows 10 (still) free
Windows 7 Pro for $29? Yes, it is still possible, but got to hurry.
Textpattern-Moving a db from one TXP install to another
If you ever move from one TXP install to another (e.g, when you change hosts or sitenames), this is a must-know tip for Textpattern users.
How to get a Sony Playstation 3 for $100!!
Read all about this method here:
Ebay Price Watch
Don’t bother — This is dead.
Ever wonder whether Ebay has your item within a certain price range? Check this out. Really nifty. Couple of clicks to the answer.
Powerful use of Google and Yahoo for Marketing
See how you can unearth information you have always wanted from a search engine.
Short culled notes on Textpattern
Only for folks who want to know quickly how Textpattern, the CMS that powers this website, is organized, and how to speed it up.