--svatantramasvantantraM cha dvividhaM tatvaMishyate--
--svatantro bhagavAn vishnuH--
Sri Madhvacharya, in his tatvasaMkhyAna
SundarakAnda nirNaya of Sri MadhvAchArya - English Translation
Sundarakaanda NirNaya of Sri Madhvacharya
Note from website admin: I created this short version for my daily pArAyaNa. Errors and omissions regretted. Please inform me of such (click on “Contact” link on the right). Kindly pardon me for the inconsistent use of ITRANS coding.)
Sri Harih Om
mukhyaprAnAya bhEmAya madhvAya cha namo namah
Flight Towards Lanka
After bowing to Lord Sri Rama who has the six auspicious attributes in full, Hanumantha known for his strength, bravery and detachment ascends from the ground pressing with his feet so he can go high up into the sky on his flight towards Lanka in search of Sita. On the way, mount Mainaka comes up from under the ocean to offer a resting-place for Hanumantha, who being of limitless strength, does not rest. He embraces the mountain and continues on his flight.
Overcoming Surasa, the Nagajanani
Immediately after, Surasa, the mother of serpents, sent by the gods to test his strength, accosts him. Bestowed with the power of having an object of her desire fall into her mouth, she desires Hanumantha, who changes into a small form, enters her mouth and exits it before she closes it. The gods are pleased.
Slaying Mighty Simhika
Next, Hanumantha is confronted by Simhika who had a boon from Brahma that enabled her to drag any flying object to the ground by its shadow. Eminently capable of protecting Lanka, she drags Hanumantha down who enters her body through her mouth and tears her asunder.
Sitaakruthi – Choodamani
Onward flies Hanumantha, lands at the entrance to Lanka and assumes a small cat-like form. Hanumantha subdues Lankini, who tries to thwart his entry. Looking for Sita, Hanumantha finds her (aakruthi [form] with identical garb and ornaments as the original Sita) under a shimshupa tree in Ashoka vana. Acting as mere mortals following the lead of Rama, both exchange jewels – Hanumantha hands her the Raamaanguliiya and Sita hands him her Choodamani, an exchange witnessed by the residents of Svarga; A divine drama that happens around midnight, mainly to mislead Kali and his minions, at a time when they are inebriated. Hanumantha plays his part fearlessly with confidence. Now, it was time to show who he really was and to carry out Rama’s further commands.
Ashoka Vana – Talaprahara
Hanumantha destroys the whole Ashoka vana sans the shimshupa tree. Upon hearing this with his 20 ears, to capture Hanumantha, Ravana sends many (1 crore 80 lakh? 18 million?) of his servants, each of whom has a boon of immortality from Lord Shiva. They surround the sole Hanumantha yet are crushed to powder by Hanumantha’s mighty talaprahara (impact from his palm), the seven mighty, boon-protected sons of ministers from Ravana’s cabinet included.
Ravana now sends his younger son, Aksha Kumara, equal in strength to himself, who tries in vain to capture Hanumantha. After some deliberation, Hanumantha kills Aksha Kumara swiftly by whirling him around and thrashing his body to smithereens.
Bowing to the Brahma Asthra
Grief-stricken Ravana now sends his elder son Indrajit, who despite using weaponry made deadly by sacred incantations, is unable to capture Hanumantha. Then Indrajit uses the sacred Brahmaastra. Considering Brahma’s superior position compared to his own, Hanumantha allows himself to be taken captive to Ravana’s court.
Ravana Warned
“Whose messenger are you? Why have you come here? Why have you destroyed the Ashoka vana?” questions Ravana. After mentally offering his obeisances to Lord Rama, Hanumantha replies, “I am a Raamadootha (Rama’s agent), name is mAruthi. If I want to, I can obliterate your lineage here and now. If you don’t return Sita immediately to Rama, you will surely be annihilated. Do not even consider fighting Rama because you can neither think of nor imagine the extent of His power. Even the mighty Brahma and Rudra could not lift a finger against Him, what to speak of you, a mere mortal!” warns Hanumantha.
Lanka Ablaze
The humiliated and enraged Ravana orders Hanumantha killed. Vibheeshana intervenes. Instead, the demons, upon Ravana’s orders, set Hanumantha’s tail on fire. Hanumantha in turn, sets the city of Lanka ablaze with his fiery tail. Even a city built by Vishwakarma (Divine Architect, Craftsman God) cannot withstand this fiery fury. Bedecked with precious stones, beautiful sprawling palaces with their mighty demon occupants are razed to the ground while Ravana and his sons watch utterly helplessly.
Rare Reward
Satisfied with the outcome, Hanumantha roars like a lion does and flies back to Kishkinda city where his fellow vaanaras celebrate his return in Madhuvana. Soon after, along with his group’s elders, he reaches Rama’s hermitage. Here, with utmost undiluted and overflowing devotion in his heart, mind and soul, Hanumantha lays Sita’s choodamani jewel at His lotus feet. Lord Rama, overjoyed to hear of his beloved’s welfare, unable to find a reward fitting Hanumantha’s unparalleled service, offers Himself (svaatma pradaana) to Hanumantha and embraces him while showering His grace.
Thus ends the 7th Chapter of Sri MahaBharataTatparyaNirnaya composed by SrimadAnandatIrtha BhagavadpAdAchArya (aka Sri Madhwacharya).
sri KrishnArpaNamasthu
1. Sundarakandanirnaya of Sri Madhwacharya.
2. Sundarakandanirnaya in English – Chennai Madhva Sangha
First Draft – 2/6/06
Uploaded to web – 6/26/2009
Edits – 1/18/2010
Edits – 7/25/2012
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Edits – 4/16/2022
Raghuraman, Mar 31, 11:58 pm:
vick, Apr 2, 02:45 pm:
BS Murthy, Jul 4, 05:00 am: