--svatantramasvantantraM cha dvividhaM tatvaMishyate--
--svatantro bhagavAn vishnuH--
Sri Madhvacharya, in his tatvasaMkhyAna
Sri VAdirAja T.'s ShrI shrIshaguNadarpaNastotram - English Xlation
*yA sugandhAsyanAsAdinavadvArA.akhilena yA |
durAdharshhA sarvasasyodayArthaM yA karIshhiNI || 1||*
_yA nityapushhTA sarvA~NgaiH saundaryAdiguNairapi |
IshvariiM sarvabhuutaanaaM taamihopahvaye shriyam.h || 2||_
OR She is the one who remains foreever young & beautiful. She is the one who is the Supreme mistress of all living beings & I invite her to my abode.
_mAtarlaxmi namastubhayaM mAdhavapriyamAnini |
yuvAM vishvasya pitarAvitaretarayoginau || 3||_
OR The beloved of Madhava, Mother Lakshmi — my salutations to thee. You & Madhava are the parents of the world & everlastingly inseparable.
_samanA kila mAtastvamamunA tatayoginI |
mama nAthena devashcha vimanAshcha na sa tvayi || 4||_
Or Oh Mother, you are present at all places & ages with my Lord Sri Hari & hence YOU are ‘samana’ (equal).
_tvaM vedamAninI vedavedyaH kila sa te priyaH |
tvaM mUlaprakR^itirdevI sa chAdipurushhaH kila || 5||_
_yastvAmurasi dhatte.amba kaustubhadyutibhAsite |
sa tvAM naivAchyutaH sarvasyAtyaye satyapi tyajet.h || 6||_
Lord Sri Hari keeps you in his bosom always adorned with his Kausthuba & will not let go of you even during the time of Pralaya.
OR Mother ! sri Hari wears you in his chest that is shining with the light
of the kaushtubha divine gem. He does not leave you even during praLaya
or total destruction period.
_devi tvaM lalanAratnaM devo.asau purushhottamaH |
yuvAM yuvAnau satataM yuvayorna vayo.adhikaH || 7||_
OR Goddess! you are like a diamond among ladies and Your Lord is Sarvothama (superior to ALL). Both of You have eternal youth. Both of you are of the same
_tvaM padminI padmavaktrA padmAxI padmavishhTarA |
padmadvayadharA padmakoshodyatstanashobhanA || 8||_
OR MahA lakshmi! you live on a lotus. Your angelic face is like a lotus.
Your eyes are like lotuses. Your seat is also a lotus. You hold lotuses
in your hands. Your bosom shines like lotus buds.
_padmahastA padmapAdA padmanAbhamanaHpriyA |
padmodbhavasya jananI padmA cha varavarNinI || 9||_
You are the mother of the lotus born Brahma. Your name itself is the lotus. OR Godess lakshmi ! Your hands and feet are like lotuses. You are dear to
sri padmanAbha’s mind. You are mother to bramha who was born out of a
lotus. Your name itself is lotus.
_ambAM pItAmbarashroNIM lambAlakalasanmukhIm.h |
bimbAdharoshhThIM kastUrijambAlatilakAM bhaje || 10||_
Mahalakshmi is clad in the finest silk, her face beautifully framed by her tresses, lips like ripe fruits & wearing sacred thilak on her forehead.
OR I worship sri mahalakshmi who wears pIthAmbaram ( auspicious yellow colored dress). Her face is shining from tresses from her hair. Her lips are like the “thonDe” fruit (Fruit is called “thonDe haNNu” in kannada.I couldn’t find a proper English equivalent. If anybody knows the correct English name, please post it to the list). I worship sri lakshmi who wears tilaka (auspicious mark) made of kasturi on her forehead._ratnoddIptasumA~NgalyasUtravR^ittashirodharAm.h |
kuNDalaprabhayoddaNDagaNDamaNDalamaNDitAm.h || 11||_
Mahalakshmi is wearing a necklace studded with bright gems & her cheeks reflect the brilliance of her ear ornament. Such a one, I pray to You.
OR (I worship sri lakhmi) who wears a mangalya (sacred thread signifying
marriage) made of shining diamonds and whose cheeks are shining from the
light of her ear rings.
_kuchakaJNchukasaJNchArihAranishhkamanoharAm.h |
kAJNchIki~NkiNimaJNjIraka~NkaNAdyairala~NkR^itAm.h || 12||_
Mahalakshmi is most beautiful & adorned with a garland that is swinging over her blouse. She has a golden belt around her midriff with tinkling bells around her ankles & bangles on her arms. Such a one, I pray to you.
_suvarNamaNDape ratnachitrasi.nhAsanottame |
namAmi hariNA sAkamindirAM kR^itamandirAm.h || 13||_
I bow to you & salute you. Oh Mahalakshmi, the one seated with Lord Sri Hari on a golden throne adorned with precious jewels.
_brahmAdyA vibudhashreshhThA brahmANyAdyAH surA~NganAH |
yAM pUjayante sevante sA mAM pAtu ramA sadA || 14||_
One who is revered by the four faced Brahma, Saraswathi & other divine women, such a Ramaa devi may you always protect me.
_sarvAla~NkArabharitau sarvaj~nau sarvasadguNau |
sharvAdisarvabhaktaughasarvasarvasvadAyakau || 15||_
Lakshmi & Narayana are forever well adorned, are all knowing, replete with all divine qualities & are those that grant the wishes of Rudra & all their other devotees. I praise & pray to you Lakshmi & Narayana.
OR (Sri Lakshmi and nArAyaNa) are adorned with all ornaments, know
everything and have all good qualities. (I worship sri Lakshmi and
nArAyaNa) who give blessings that fulfill the wishes of all their
devotees beginning with Lord Rudra.
_sumukhau sundaratarau sunAsau sukhachittanU |
surArAdhitapAdAbjau ramAnArAyaNau stumaH || 16||_
The faces of Lakshmi & Narayana are beautiful & so are their noses. They are of ethereal? (Ed: not “ephemeral” as the translator had it here) bodies. The gods worship at Their feet. Oh Lakshmi & Narayana, I pray to You.
OR (sri Lakshmi and nArAyaNa) have beautiful face. They are very beautiful
with a graceful nose and body made of chit. DevatAs worship their lotus
like feet. I sing the praises of sri lakshmi nArAyaNa having such
_chatushhkapardA yA devI chaturAsyAdibhiH stutA |
chaturvedoditaguNA chaturmUrterhareH priyA || 17||_
Mahalakshmi has four tresses. The four headed Brahma & other gods sing praises to her. The four vedas too praise Her. She is the beloved of Lord Sri Hari who has four forms such as Vasudeva. Such a one, I salute & bow to You in reverence.
OR Sri mahAlakshmi has four braids in her hair. She is worshipped by four faced brahma and other gods. Four vedAs extoll her qualities. She is very dear to sri Hari who has four forms named (vAsudeva, samkarshANa, pradyumna and aniruDhDha).(I worship such a Godess)._ghR^itapratIkAM tAM nityaM ghR^itapUrNAnnadAyinIm.h |
yatheshhTavittadAtrIM cha nato.asmyabhayadAM shriyam.h || 18||_
The One who always grants her devotees rice with ghee & copious amounts of wealth & always protects them, Oh Mahalakshmi, I bow to You.
OR I worship Godess sri Lakshmi who is (abhimAni) for ghee (clarified
butter). She gives devotees rice mixed with ghee , plentiful money and
blessings of her protection (abhaya) for ever.
Note: Eating rice mixed with ghee was an indication of wealth in India
in the old days.
_vAdirAjena rachitaM shrIshrIshaguNadarpaNam.h |
imaM stavaM paThanmartyaH shrImAnsyAnnAtra saMshayaH || 19||_
Those who recite this Shreeshagunadarpana sthothra of Lakshmi & Narayana composed by Sri Sri Vadiraja Theertha would become wealthy. There is no doubting this.
OR A person who reads this stothra composed by sri vAdhirAja swamiji will be blessed with great wealth. There is no doubt about this.srI vAdirAja antargata bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shri kR^iShNArpanamastu