--svatantramasvantantraM cha dvividhaM tatvaMishyate--
--svatantro bhagavAn vishnuH--
Sri Madhvacharya, in his tatvasaMkhyAna
Dvaita - Whole Brain Involvement - Holistic Approach
Dvaita maintains that “Knowledge” alone is not the way to liberation, but “Knowledge combined with Devotion (Bhakti)” is.
Compare this to modern brain research literature, which unequivocally says that the left hemisphere of a human brain is usually the center of logic/math/reasoning/abstract thought processes, and the right hemisphere of a human brain is the center of emotion/feelings/intuition, we find that
Knowledge = Left brain (mostly logic/reasoning/abstract)
Bhakti = Right brain (an indescribable positive feeling/emotion)
For optimal performance (what the scientists call “brain synchrony”), you need both the hemispheres to work in unison, making the case for “Knowledge combined with Devotion,” leading to experiences sublime.