--svatantramasvantantraM cha dvividhaM tatvaMishyate--
--svatantro bhagavAn vishnuH--
Sri Madhvacharya, in his tatvasaMkhyAna
AmbhRNi sUkta - English Xlation
shrI hari vAyu gurubhyo namaha |
ahaM rudreti mantrasya laxmI R^iShiH | triShTup chandaH |
dvitIyA jagatI chandaH | mahalaxmIrdevatA | abhiSheke viniyogaH |
The Rishi for the eight Mantras beginning with ‘Aham Rudrebhi” is Vagambrini.
(Am- Paramatma, bra- one who is the vedabhimani Lakshmi & who always meditates on the Lord in Her heart;
ni- one who brings the Lord to those who study & know the meaning of the Vedas.
The Paramatma resting in the ocean is the devatha.
The mantra is in Trishtup chandas. The second mantra is in Jagathi Chandas
OM ahaM rudrebhirvasubhishcharAmyahamA dityairuta vishvadevaiH |
ahaM mitrAvaruNobhA bibharmyahamindrAgmI ahamashvinobhA || 1 ||
Ekadasha Rudras, Maharudra, Asta Vasus, Dvadasha Adityas, Vishve devata, all of them are my retinue. I move around in my various forms with them as my retinue. I protect all of them including Mitra, Varuna, Indra, Agni, Ashvini Devatas.
ahaM somamAhanasaM bibharmyahaM tvaShTAramuta pUShaNaM bhagam.h |
ahaM dadhAmi draviNaM haviShmate suprAvye ‘3’ yajamAnAya sunvate || 2 ||
Chandradeva, the abhimani devata of the ‘Soma latha’, Tvastru, Poosha, Bhaga & other devathas are protected by Me. I grant wealth to these devathas who offer the sacred ‘havis’ & ‘somarasa’ to the paramatma through yagnas.
ahaM rAShTrI saMgamanI vasUnAM chikituShI prathamA yaGYiyAnAM |
tAM mA devA vyadadhuH purutrA bhUristhAtrAM bhUryA veshayantIM || 3 ||
In my Bhooroopa, I am the abhimani for the entire world. I bestow wealth. I first bestow the wealth of articles necessary for yajnas. The devathas have worshipped in various kshetras such a goddess who bestows wealth on the three types of souls according to their worth.
mayA so annamatti yo vipashyati yaH prANiti ya IM shrR^iuNotyuktaM |
amantavo mAM ta upa xiyanti shrudhi shruta shraddhivaM te vadAmi || 4 ||
All types of people eat because of my grace: the tamasa people who wrong knowledge of me; the rajasa who ignore the shastras & are indifferent to it; & the sathvika who heed the scriptural message.
Those who insult me will be destroyed. I am not uttering falsehood but the truth.
So do hear what I say.
ahameva svayamidaM vadAmi juShTaM devebhiruta mAnuShebhiH |
yaM kAmaye taMtamugraM kR^iNomi taM brahmANaM tamR^iShiM taM sumedhAm.h || 5 ||
I am uttering these words which are valued by the devatas & great men.
I grant the posts of Brahma & Rudra to those who I wish to be all powerful & omniscient, I make them so.
ahaM rudrAya dhanurA tanomi brahmAdviShe sharave hantavA u |
ahaMjanAya samadaM kR^iNomyahaM dhyAvApR^ithivI A viveshA || 6 ||
I lift the bow during the pralaya to annihilate even Rudra who has cut off the fifth head of Brahma & who is the destroyer of this world. I grant liberation to my devotees. I extend all one the earth & space as their abhimani devatas.
ahaM suve pitaramasya mUrdhan.h mama yonirapsva1ntaH samudre |
tato vi tiShThe bhuvanAnu vishvitAmUM dhyAM varShmaNopa spR^ishAmi || 7 ||
I have given birth to Brahma, who is the creator of this world & who is revered by all, for the sustenance of Sathyaloka. But there is a person behind all my greatness & all my actions. He is lying in the ocean, He is Narayana. He sustains the entire world effortlessly. When the mother is churning the pot, the child touches her & assumes it is doing that work. Similarly, Lord Narayana sustains the entire world & cause all activities. I touch Him & assume that I inspire all activities. My greatness is not really mine, it is of my antaryami, Lord Hari.
ahameva vAta iva pravAmyArabhamANA bhuvanAni vishvA |
paro divA para ena pR^ithivyaitAvatI mahinA saM babhUvA || 8 ||
Just as Mukhyaprana utilises the power given to him by Lord Hari to create, sustain & destroy the world, I too utilize HIS power to make this earth frarant (and full of sustenance). Sri Hari is greater than my Shree rupa which is in charge of ‘anthariksha’ & the bhU rupa which is the abhimani of the earth. There is a limit to my greatness but there is no limit to HIS greatness
bhAratI ramaNa mukhyaprANA. ntargata shrii kR^iShNArpanamastu
Source: Sadachara Sangraha (collection of dailly rituals & festivals in a year with explainations in English) By Sri Vidwan T Vishnumurthy Acharya, published by Sri Krishna Sri Raghavendra Trust, Ragaviah Road, T’Nagar, Chennai- 600017
Photo Courtesy: Sri Sheshagiri KM
Collection: SS
V.RAMESH, Apr 4, 02:51 am: