Esther (Abraham) and Jerry Hicks
Abraham describes themselves (note the referent "themselves" is grammatically incorrect but does convey accurately) as "a group consciousness from the non-physical dimension" (huh?! what?). They have also said, "We are that which you are. You are the leading edge of that which we are. We are that which is at the heart of all religions."
A Quote: We would focus on everything that mattered to us. It is so satisfying to hold a thought and to find the feeling place and then see the Universe conspire to help you receive it. Oh, co-creation at its best."
Official Site: (see "About" section once there)Add "Why" to your process of wanting
In the midst of what the television weatherman was calling “a serious drought,” our friend Esther walked down one of the paths on their Texas Hill Country property, noticing the dryness of the grass and feeling real concern for the well-being of the beautiful trees and bushes that were all beginning to show signs of stress from the shortage of rain. She noticed that the birdbath was empty even though she had flled it with water just a few hours earlier, and then she thought about the
thirsty deer who had probably jumped the fence to drink the small amount of water that it held. And so, as she was pondering the direness of the situation, she stopped, looked upward, and—in a very positive voice, with very positive-sounding words—said, “Abraham, I want some rain.”
And we said immediately back to her, “Indeed, from this position of lack, you think you will get rain?” “What am I doing wrong?” she asked. And we asked, “Why do you want the rain?”
And Esther answered, “I want it because it refreshes the earth. I want it because it gives all of the creatures in the bushes water so that they have enough to drink. I want it because it makes the grass green, and it feels good upon my skin, and it makes us all feel better.”
And we said, “Now, you are attracting rain.”
Our question “Why do you want the rain?” helped Esther withdraw her attention from the problem and turn her attention toward the solution. When you consider why you want something, your vibration usually shifts or pivots in the direction of your desire. Whenever you consider how it will happen, or when, or who will bring it, your vibration usually then shifts back toward the problem. You see, in the process of taking her attention from what was wrong—by our asking her why she
wanted the rain—she accomplished a pivot. She began thinking not only of what she wanted, but why she wanted it; and in the process, she began to feel better. That afternoon it rained, and that night the local weatherman reported “an unusual isolated thunderstorm in the Hill Country.”
Your thoughts are powerful, and you have much more control over your own experience than most of you realize.
More about the full process of Why, from Abraham:
Abraham describes more fully, why ask why!
“Select those desires or wants or intentions that are most important to you in this time and write each of them at the top of a separate sheet of paper in this way:”
“I intend to receive…” and then write whatever it is that you are intending to receive. And then take each of those sheets of paper, individually, and complete them one at a time, as follows: Below your statement of intent write, “These are the reasons that I intend…” and then restate your intention. And write all of the reasons that you want this.” [Italics theirs, this is the Why game!]
“When you are writing, you are at the strongest point of focus that you can achieve with your conscious thinking being. Write what flows forth from you. Not what someone else wants you to want, but that which is important to you. Write as long as it flows forth naturally. Do not force it.”
And “Then turn your sheet of paper to the other side, and write at the top: I know that this is… And then state and write all the reasons that you know that you will achieve that which you have written on the other side. Again, let it flow forth from you.”
Further, “On the first side of your paper you have stated your intention and below it [in playing the Why game part] you have enhanced the wanting or the intending part of the equation for creation. On the second side of the sheet, you have enhanced the allowing part of the equation for creation. And now it is complete.”
So the Why Game, coupled with remembering the reasons why we know we will achieve that which we intend (we are beings of broader perspective, we know about deliberate creation and focus and Law of Attraction, and Abraham processes!) fulfills the formula for creation – want it, and allow it, and it is!