...sign of our times...
Upon being handed a journal as a gift, a nine year-old asks his mom what it was. The mom says that it was a notebook to record his thoughts and feelings, every day. The kid replies, "You mean, it is a blog...on paper." Reader's Digest, Oct 2008 issueGet Windows 10 (still) free
Windows 7 Pro for $29? Yes, it is still possible, but got to hurry.
Significance of mamgaLasUtra
Meaning of :
“mANgalyaM tantunAnEna mamajIvanahetunA
kaNThe badhnAmi subhage sanJiva sharadAM shataM”
Neuroscientist shares some new findings from brain research
V. Fascinating, includes a link to a video
Essiac Tea Info and Links
Essiac Tea and Its Effect on a Range of Diseases
Includes a link to an interview with its strongest and possibly most authentic proponent.
Boron link to Arthritis?
A simple Boron supplement — answer for arthritis? Check it out.
Get Back To Where You Once Belonged
The spiritual message of the song Beatles probably never intended.
Reichian Therapy
A little info about Reichian Therapy.
Textpattern-Moving a db from one TXP install to another
If you ever move from one TXP install to another (e.g, when you change hosts or sitenames), this is a must-know tip for Textpattern users.
How to get a Sony Playstation 3 for $100!!
Read all about this method here:
Viral Marketing
3 elements to try to make your marketing campaign viral. From the authors of “Made to stick” book.